Thursday, November 15, 2012

Moving and Milestones

The countdown begins, just 3 short weeks until hubby graduates, and we move! It is finally here. I am so ready to be in our home, to live in one place rather than 2. I am very thankful that we do have a home to move to.
This past weekend one of my best friends helped me pack up most of the house, for now we are living on necessity only. Which I don't mind, but there is still so much to do. The garage is half full with boxes already. We will be home all next week, working to get the house all ready for total move in. I can hardly believe the time is here.
Next week to do:
1. Cabinet guys come to give a quote on new kitchen cabinets
2. Carpet measurements and possibly installation.
3. MAJOR cleaning.
4. Possible delivery of new refrigerator, stove and freezer.
5. Putting tile on back porch.
6. Finish the trim in the bathroom.
I can think of about 50 more things, but I figure that being realistic would be better than dreaming that we could get all of that done.
Having explained the moving, I suppose it is time to address the milestones:
Little one had her first tastes of rice cereal! Growing up so fast, at times too fast for Mommy's comfort. But I love to see her glee at discovering something new. However, there was not much glee with tasting cereal, but she is getting the hang of it. We are mainly giving through the bottle, to help her sleep  through the night and prevent crabby baby syndrome through out the day. So far one full  night of sleep, last night didn't go as well. But soon we will develop our new rhythm and sleep will come! (YAY)

Call me selfish, but a full nights sleep trumps the fact that we started cereal a mere 2 weeks earlier than recommended. Good news is, allergies basically don't exist in our family, so I have high hopes!

Sure doesn't look like it but she has caught on to using the spoon pretty quick!

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