Thursday, March 28, 2013

Home made Swiffer clothes

I love my swiffer. And I mean LOVE! It gets used multiple times in a day. Our dog, as much as we love her, is a shedder....I HATE having dog hair everywhere, on the baby on the floor. She walks and hair just falls off of her! That means that I went through many of the swiffer pads, they started to add up. SO after taking some inspiration from One Good Thing by Jillie, I made my own. I spent NOTHING on this project. Just my time.

I had some old pink yarn on hand, and just did a regular knit stitch until I came up with this:

Works great, but I did discover that it works better if I spritz it with a little of my favorite home made floor cleaner (vinegar with a little water and Dawn). Picks up that dog hair like no bodies business! Plus they are reusable and best of all FREE :)

Some days my favorite craft projects are the simple no fireworks needed type!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Late Planting!

Who was good and got their potatoes in the ground yesterday?? We didn't unfortunately. Of course we had a good excuse, we had been to Colorado for my twin niece and nephew's 8th birthday! They grow too fast!

Hubby did get the ground all tilled up and little one and I are headed out to the farm this afternoon to get them in the ground with the help of MeMaw and Papa, since Daddy has to work...This will be my first garden! I am excited, overwhelmed  and nervous. Hopefully all will go well!

Since we are headed that way MeMaw said she would fry up that chicken that Papa has been asking about and feed us supper! I never object if it keeps me from having to cook :) I did decide that I would whip up an easy dessert to take with us. My original plan was to make some peach cobbler, however hubby "cooked" and ate the peaches I had saved back.

Plan B: Slow cooker Apple Crisp. I searched through some cook books I had on hand and couldn't find the type of recipe I was wanting. So I took this one from I used some oatmeal instead of walnuts. One because I had none on hand and two hubby would have had a fit! I didn't measure my oats, just threw in a handful or so...and I used half a lemon squeezed over the apples. I did this because I just had sweet apples on hand and wanted to add in a little more tart.

apples ready for crock pot

here is the topping

every kid needs to play in the Tupperware cabinet right?

ready to go

Easy to put together and even easier to cook! Although it is a bit harder now with our little mischief maker :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Birthdays and Pie

My husbands birthday is the last day in February. (When there are only 28 days) Anyway, on his side of the family there are a million of them that have birthdays in February. Ok, not a million but 5 of them all of a birthday....GEEZE. So, they just  have a big joint party, with a giant ice cream cake (yumm). Now, ice cream cake is great, but not my favorite, and its not my birthday so I just should keep my mouth shut!!

I have always wanted to make an ice cream cake for hubby's birthday, but I have always been shut down because I can't find the crunchy part. And according to the birthday boy, with out the crunchies and fudge, I should just forget the entire thing. ONE DAY, I will find the perfect way to do the crunchies and fudge....I just hate to pay that ridiculous amount for an ice cream cake!!

Anyway, all of the ranting just to lead up to the fact that my hubby, being the baby got two parties! He wanted home made ice cream. My mother in law reluctantly but willingly made him  some the next weekend, and of course you need cake to go with ice cream. I never thought getting a man to decide what cake he wants would be an ordeal. So we went with pie. I made home made apple pie and a lemon meringue. Hubby LOVES lemon meringue. All I have heard since we have been together, is that his Grandma Maureen made the best lemon meringue pie ever. Therefore I have never tried to make such a pie, figuring I could never compete. But this year I relented and decided I would try  my hand at lemon and meringue, from scratch.....(enter panic here)

*forgive lack of pictures, I seem to always get caught up in the process and forget.*

I used a recipe from called "The Ultimate Lemon Meringue Pie" and it was...for sure. I tweaked the recipe here and there, adding more cornstarch to the meringue and to the filling. I also used 6 egg whites for the meringue.

For the crust I used Pioneer Woman's perfect pie crust recipe. (its true, perfection every time!)

And this is what I ended up with:

I have only had lemon meringue pie once in my whole life before this one. It was a concoction a roommate made once, and was well edible I guess, because we ate it. But this pie was tartness and sweet married together in sweet unity that can never be broken. AMAZING! I am now a huge fan of lemon.
It got the winning review from my hubby, who said it was almost exactly like he remembered is Grandma Maureen's. Now the real winner was that my father in law, whose mother was Grandma Maureen even loved it! Success is sweet, and tart in this case :)
Of course this could not have been done with out the help of our lovely daughter!

I now intend to overwhelm you with cuteness

 7 months old and she is a poser....

There is just something about tiny baby feet that are so sweet!